The text
below was found inserted in the text with shakey handwriting
in blue ink. Probably written by Sam B. the Worthless Editor,
but might also be Carl M himself.
May the Youth
of today not be lost to bull minded dullness of demeanor. May
they grow up to be jaded and unwise and nihilistic. May they
sacrifice their innocence for vapid pleasure, and their ears
for Wild Music of nameless passions. But Lo! they do not desire
music of nameless passions and true decadence! They hunger for
pre-chewed Slop and Political philosophies that require nothing
but drawing an X on your hand and beating on people who don't
agree with you that the X is cool. They get good grades in school
and do something with their lives! The greate Shrimpe ain't gonna
be happy when he sees this, no sir-ee. You are all gonna be in
Deep SHIT!
From the Secrete
and Incomplete Booke of Shrimpe (fragmente #354)
the sacrilege of Steve-O and the great Shrimpe's curse
1Lo, it was the time of the winter solstice
and the Shrimpers were divided and doing their own things for
a while 2
when the great Shrimpe
Awaken from his slumber. And he Spaketh forth, rousing his humble
servant Carl M.rks the poser out of bed.
3 He Sayeth:
4I have heard a sacrilege hath taken
place, against thee almighty and true punk gods The Sonics. Someone
Hath draggeth them down to Your level, oh small and talent-less
singer. They hath said the Sonics are lower than me, lower than
a mere community of like minded hipsters such as yourself. 5Bringeth me this Man! Bringeth me the foreskin
of Steve-o: the pounder of skins for the dull and brutish band
All Limbs Attached.
6But Carl M Protesteth: My Shrimpe, my greate
Shrimpe, Am I not your humble servant in Hepsterness? Do I not
emulate the ludicrousness of your demeanor, do I not willfully
and gleefully make a hypocrisy of my self by worshiping the one
true God? Am I not, in fact, a good Lutheran boy, instead of
truly believing in you? Do you not find this pleasing?
7And the Great Shrimpe Spoketh again,
and he said: Yes, I do findeth it pleasing that you are a
hypocrisy in my name, that you desire self-destruction and nihilism
in the name of Shrimpedom and Hepsterdom, but to maintain my
love and command, you must bring me the tip of Steve O's nose.
8Carl M, prostrated himself again and
cried: But oh, my Shrimpe, does not this venture carry with it
danger and a lengthy prison sentence? Please my lord, spare this
poor hopeless wretch of a posuer, Steve O, and wish him well
instead. May he play his instruments hard and with love, and
may they take him wherever he may want to go. 9Instead,
let me sate your hunger for repayment for this sacrilege that
doth shake the very bowels and the bowels of the bowels of our
beings... there is Free 100 proof Absolut Vodka and Ma-Huang
pills involved.
10But lo, the sacrifice was not enough
for such a sacrilege as slandering the name of the great Sonics.
11And so Carl M was sober and healthy
for two weeks, and his lips did not taste alcohol, and his lungs
did not inhale smoke of any form. Then He played his guitar religiously
for thirty five and a half days, he did not partake of self-pleasure
for this whole time, nor did he lay with the very pretty girl
he had picked up at the beginning of the semester.
12 And he was a wretch. He did not sleep,
for he was uncontrollably taken over with desire for anything
that moved. 13He wrote sad, mopey Psalmes to the
great Shrimpe to be heard by no one but him, and for thirty five
and a half days and nights he lay prostrate before the great
shrimpe and begged to spare Steve O's foreskin.
14But on the second half of the thirty
sixth day he did not, and the greate shrimpe was pisseth offeth.
15He speaketh:
Very well, I will spare the life and the nose of that poor
miserable wretch Steve O of All Limbs Attached, but I will curse
him in the name of Shrimpe and all that is hep.
16May his drumsticks break as he plays,
and may his well of creativity dry up so that he might never
pen another word again. 17May his
ears ring so loud he will stay up at night and moan. 18May his food have preservatives in it, and may
he always follow his friends. 19He will
be leadeth to the streams and drowned in the sea of Vapid ideologies
two-fold, three-fold five and five fold and thirty five and a
half fold.
20May he seeeth patterns and morals that
are not there, that only exist in his middle-class cultural identity,
and may his eyes not see to read otherwise. 21May
his vision be tunnel, so that he misseth the entire world. 22He will walk like a blind man, he will be seen
as a leper to all those who are hep. 23May
he lose the beat and lose his interest and become some lawyer,
may he lose his vague hopes for changing the world that does
NOT DESERVE to be saved. 24May he
always be a Straight-Edger, and may his rebellions always be
superficial and dull and conservative yet seem reasonable and
25May he wasteth his life making money
and being unhappy, working a nine-to-five job and have two point
five children and live in the suburbs all his life, and never
taste 100 proof Absolut Vodka.
The pages of Banality, the obscurity and temporary nature of
the Shrimpe.
1And Carl M beggeth to spare Steve-O
the curse, but the great Shrimpe had already drinketh all the
vodka, and had run off with Carl M's girlfriend who was completely
baffled by his lack of interest in her lately and just really
wanted to be desired by someone. 2And
the greate Shrimpe was a smooth talker and doth putteth on his
late nineties Pop-Punk and wooed her with his vapid observations
on how life would be so much grander if we all just loved each
other and stopped using drugs and just sat in our rooms listening
to Pop-Punk and writing flame mails to obscure bands that will
never matter to anyone anyway.
3And Carl M then fasteth for a day and
drank the vodka he had stashed in his flask and was Drunk and
felt sorry for himself and wroteth a song entitled "Alone
at the Party" that he hateth and no one else cared much
for either. 4He then went home where the other shrimpers
were, and they wept for many days over the poor miserable wretch
Steve-O of All Limbs Attached and his sacrilege5 And the Shrimpers decended into obscurity and
were never remembered, and were never cared for and grew up and
graduated from college and got real jobs and were content with
their lives.6 And no one remembered
them, as it should be.